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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment$497.00
  • Preferred option
    Split Pay Over 4 Months4x $137.50

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The Art Licensing Blueprint$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Art Licensing Blueprint$0

All prices in USD

"Just wanted to share that one of my pieces from the portfolio builder is on a card at Trader Joe’s! Thanks for the totally rad life changing class Katie and Ilana!"  

Jessica Gunderson

"Ilana and Katie cover everything you need to know to build your portfolio and get your foot in the art licensing world. I'm so thankful they created a course that shares the secrets of this industry!"

Dawn Nicole

"This course is so easy to follow along with, unpacking the nitty & gritty and giving advice that I have failed numerous times to find while googling. These girls were so generous with dishing out everything they have learned and I am forever grateful. Truly inspired to up my game!”

Kasi Turpin
